mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

Sustainable architecture in action: constructed wetland in the Gaza Strip

Riporto integralmente il post appena apparso su dove si parla del progetto fatto assieme allo studio MCA di Mario Cucinella, ad ARCO' e a Vento di Terra.

Sustainable architecture in action: constructed wetland in the Gaza Strip

early 2012

early 2013

These images show the growth over a 12-month span of the constructed wetland engineered by Mauro Lajo (Artecambiente) in the Kindergarden of Um Al Nasser (North part of Gaza Strip), an eco-friendly school built in 2011 by ARCO’, Mario Cucinella and the NGO Vento di Terra.
The Garden uses green plants and associated microorganisms for degradation, removal and/or reduction in the concentration of pollutants in the school’s grey waters that can thus be reused for toilet flushing and gardening. Underneath the garden lies a tank for the harvesting of rainwater. 

Building Green Futures has been following from very close the progress in the design and construction of this building, a great example of low-tech/high performance sustainable design bringing lasting benefits to people in need.

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